Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Who reads this ????

It's been two months since my last post and I have confessions but stealing a line from the movie Greenfinger, "I'M NOT THE CONFESSING TYPE". Tomorrow is back to work day for people in my line of work, education, and it never ceases to present new challenges so I guess I am looking forward to it. I'd like to say I finished off summer with another Ironman under my belt but I will have to settle for 2/3rds and some running before heat exhaustion and the puking began. No graphic image available. I took 2 days off and I am training again.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Trying to keep up

The last two weeks I have recovered from the 10 mile race....completed the organization and hosting of the Pukaskwa Duathlon....cleaned up and moved on....completed the sanctioning for the Penn Lake Pursuit Triathlon...done very little run, swim, bike training....but bought a nice utility trailer that can haul two bikes, two kayaks and camping I haven't been keeping up this blog (still) and I am determined just for me to do this.

I hope to also just keep mentioning other athletes including Dudley Coulter, a great committed cross country skier who would love to represent Canada at the Olympics. If you follow athletics at all you know funding is an issue. Take a look at his blog, and find out how to help him achieve his goals. Also look at the great people and companies who have already come on board for him.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Lame blog

Wow what a lame blog this is...forgot all about it as life moved on...great ski season coaching my school team....not great for my shoulder though...spent some time correcting for totally switched over to tri-training, my key race being Ironman Louisville in August 2011...just finished running the Thunder Bay 10 miler in 71:55...about 2 min off my target time....also running for a Boston qualifier in mid July and hoping to finish that in 3:15 which would give me about 10 minutes to spare......I've been playing with P90X but am not committed.....anyhow I will try to get a bit more active here if only to motivate myself through blogging.